
I use spamassassin 2.64 and i want to configure it so every mail sent
by the local server is whitelisted or not even scanned by spamassassin.
I tried quite a lot of config but whatever the config i try  i allways
have the localhost sent that is tagged as spam.

spamassassin --lint and debug give no errors.

I tried t whitelist any mail coming from the local server, so i setup :

1/ trusted_network for
trusted_networks        my.ip.is.here

2/ whitelist setting

whitelist_from_rcvd     *      "local name like you have in uname -n"
whitelist_from_rcvd     *     localhost
whitelist_from_rcvd     *
whitelist_from_rcvd     *     my.ip.is.here

i also tried [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of *

restarted spamd, but still i got nothing whitelisted, the whitelist for
external name works withtout problem and are setup in the very same
local.cf. But no way to make it work for local sent mail...

I really cannot make it work foir the local machine. I just want that
all emails sent from the server is NOT scanned by spamassassin and/or
considered whitelisted. All the local messages are tagged with
MSGID_FROM_MTA_SHORT that add 3 point and several other rules. I have
changed the point for this rule but the real goal is to whitelist it.

Any idea ?


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