At 02:57 PM 1/19/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am looking at adding some rulesets from SARE and we are planning on
putting them in the /usr/share/spamassassin directory (I know they get
overwritten when upgrading...).  I don't see anywhere that spamassassin is
calling the sets in that directory, which I believe is default?  If I add
these new rulesets to the share dir, what config changes do I need to make,
or do I just need to HUP it?

I'd strongly suggest NOT putting them in /usr/share/spamassassin.. they won't get over-written when you upgrade, they'll get obliterated. The SA install process executes rm -f /usr/share/spamassassin/*

It also makes it more difficult to restore SA to a "stock" condition when debugging problems. Normally all you need to do is rename /etc/mail/spamassassin/. But if you've added files to /usr/share, you'll have to manually back them out.

/usr/share/spamassassin is very much intended to only contain the default ruleset, with no modifications or additions.

A preferable location would be to add the files to /etc/mail/spamassassin/

SA will read all .cf files from that directory, not just, so you don't even need to do anything special like append them to Just copy em in.

That said, once you add files or change files in either place all you should need to do is HUP or restart spamd (if you use spamd) or any apps that call the SA API directly (if you use one of those such as MailScanner).

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