From: "Don Levey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Rob McEwen wrote:
> > Jdow said:
> >>> "I have found, in general, that whitelisting mailing lists
> >>> is not a very good idea" ... "I also find spams appear
> >>> on unmoderated Yahoo Groups." ... "a blanket white list of
> >>> the sort you propose would likely turn me white with anger"...
> >
> > Thanks for the reply... but that is why I said in my original post:
> >
> >>> "but without whitelisting other real spam"
> >
> > Also, I'm more worried about SURBL (& other URI checker) hits on
> > these than rules hits.
> >
> > Still, do you find such spam coming from those lists which are 100%
> > opt-in? If Yahoo 100% opt-in?
> >
> I am a member of quite a few Yahoo groups.  They all seem to be opt-in
> but the problem is that even with the moderated groups the larger ones
> occasionally admit spammers.  Thus I do get real spam from some of these
> groups.  Likewise, messages are tagged as spam which aren't, due to their
> originating IP.

Ahhhhummm not much can be done about originating IP. Although I have
found that by and large the groups I prefer to be in don't seem to have
any originating IP problems. Of course, I do not use the black hole
lists on any of the headers. So don't have that as a problem source.
(I philosophically abhor them as a concept, especially the ones that
black hole more than the originating address. Punishing innocents is
not a way to stop spam. Er, find the spammers and bust their kneecaps
or something else equally nasty until they get the idea, "Stop Spamming.")

(BTW - since this thread started spam incoming to my address has gone
up dramatically. None of it's getting through. So you spammers out there
trying so hard - give it up. It's not working. {^,-})

{^_^}   Joanne

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