At 01:05 PM 1/28/2005, Tony Finch wrote:
> > > Received: from[]:30781 (EHLO
> > > by ([]:25) (F-Secure
> > > Anti-Virus for Internet Mail 6.41.149 Release) with SMTP; Wed, 19 Jan
> > > 2005 19:41:14 -0000
> >
> > F-Secure Anti-Virus for Internet Mail is producing incorrectly-formatted
> > Received: lines.
> Erm, Where is that header invalid? As far as I can see it's following all of
> the rules of RFC 2822.

The order and spacing of the items after the from keyword is wrong. The
specification for Received: lines is in RFC 2821. A correctly formatted
line would be something like

Received: from ( []:30781)
        by ([]:25)
        (F-Secure Anti-Virus for Internet Mail 6.41.149 Release)
        with SMTP; Wed, 19 Jan 2005 19:41:14 -0000

I do see the differences between your example and theirs, however, I don't see where theirs deviates from the spec.

The RFC 2821 section 4.4 appears to allow the either the Domain and the Address Literal in the From-domain part. This having:
Received: from[]:30781

by itself as the from clause is legitimate.

The RFC does prohibit the "("Tcp-Info")" field from being based on anything but the TCP connection, but you are not required to insert it, and immediately following the from clause is a CFWS, allowing a comment of any sort to be inserted before the by clause.

Or am I misreading section 4.4?

Stamp = From-domain By-domain Opt-info ";" FWS date-time

From-domain = "FROM" FWS Extended-Domain CFWS

Extended-Domain = Domain /
           ( Domain FWS "(" TCP-info ")" ) /
           ( Address-literal FWS "(" TCP-info ")" )

TCP-info = Address-literal / ( Domain FWS Address-literal )
      ; Information derived by server from TCP connection
      ; not client EHLO.

Or is it that folding in the middle of a comment is not allowed?

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