
Are there many other high-volume spamassassin installations out there using DCC? I would very much like to add DCC to our arsenal of spamassassin checks. However, the aggregate volume of my three site-wide gateways is over 250K messages daily. I'm quite certain I couldn't set these gateways up in DCC client mode without getting blacklisted for beating up the public servers.

It appears I'll need to set up a DCC server or two, but I'm interested in what has worked for other sites similar to mine. I'm running postfix, amavisd-new, and spamassassin 3.02.

Some questions I have:

- How many DCC servers are needed for a given volume of mail?
- Can the DCC servers coexist on the spamassassin gateways?
- Can the DCC servers be placed behind a firewall without turning the firewall into Swiss cheese?

Any advice would be much appreciated!


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