> What does one need to do to activate the relay country tests? 
> We have the CPAN module installed and added this line to local.cf
> loadplugin     Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::RelayCountry
> Do we need to add any scores or tests?
> We are not yet seeing any evidence that the test is being used.

You should set it in init.pre, found in the same dir as local.cf 

In init.pre, you'll find:

# RelayCountry - add metadata for Bayes learning, marking the countries
# a message was relayed through
loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::RelayCountry

Which answers your second question is as to why you are not seeing any
evidence, it is used in the bayes-filter. The only thing you could observe
is a slight improvement in bayes-scores.

Kind regards,
Sander Holthaus

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