Thanks for the feedback loren. We do use a *lot* of custom rules, so I'll make it a more long term target I think.

From: Loren Wilton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 February 2005 11:10
Subject: Re: Upgrading to 3.0

Certainly better spam catching if you aren't using addon rules.
Probably better spam catching if you are.
Gives you a chance to tell your boss you need to upgrade all the email servers to 3GHz/4GB, and thus you need a pay raise!
Version is supported.
Basically, 2.64 is now old and dead, and won't be getting any new bug fixes.  After a while we will stop adding new SARE rules for 2.64, because it will be too much work to maintain them.  At the moment I personally consider it a tossup as to using 2.64 or 3.0.2 (and I'm still running 2.64) but that will change with time.  Probably you should plan on being on 3.x within the next 4 months or so, would be my recommendation.

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