Is clamd running? Is clamav.conf set up to scan via a tcp socket? If neither of those are happening, then you may be experiencing an amavis timeout while it tries to communicate with clamd.


To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 11:23 AM
Subject: Incredibly slow SA checks

What process takes place during the "Calling SA checks" routine? I have amavis-new and spamassassin 3.02 running, with SA configured to use SQL. I cranked up the amavis log_level to 5 and watched the logs. They show a message coming in at what I guess to be acceptable speed until just after the ClamAV check. Right after the ClamAV check I see the "Calling SA checks" message, then nothing for 20 to 40 seconds, then the next log message. How can I find out what is taking so long?

- Gary

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