SpamAssassin's URI code is getting confused on URLs that contain parameters
that include "&image=".  For instance, this URL:

shows up in the spamassassin -D output as

debug: uri found:\342\204\221=x.gif
debug: uri found:

(where the \342 etc were actual 8bit characters)

Running SA 3.0.2 with Perl 5.8.5 on Solaris 8

DBD::mysql -- 2.9004
DBI -- 1.43
DB_File -- 1.810
Digest::HMAC -- 1.01
Digest::SHA1 -- 2.10
HTML::Parser -- 3.45
HTML::Tagset -- 3.03
Mail::SPF::Query -- 1.997
Mail::SpamAssassin -- 3.000002
Net::CIDR::Lite -- 0.15
Net::DNS -- 0.48
Perl -- 5.8.5
Sys::Hostname::Long -- 1.2
URI -- 1.35
razor-agents -- ???

Here is a sample message that triggers the bug:

Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 10:21:19 -0500
From: Somebody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Some subject
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-transfer-encoding: 8BIT

<a href = "";>click me</a>

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