I am using spamassassin version 2.64 on SuSE 8.2

I have a problem with qmail and spamassassin.
In my logfile of qmail (/var/log/qmail/current) I get the following error:
@40000000420b375904f72fd4 delivery 401: success: Argument_"\010802984^Q7^KB"_isn't_numeric_in_numeric_gt_(>)_at_/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0

In the following file of spamassassin occurs an error:
Der Fehler tritt in Zeile 1260 auf:
my $newmagic = $self->{db_toks}->{$NEWEST_TOKEN_AGE_MAGIC_TOKEN};
if (!defined ($newmagic) || $atime > $newmagic) {
     $self->{db_toks}->{$NEWEST_TOKEN_AGE_MAGIC_TOKEN} = $atime;

I can not use spamassassin version 3.0, because it works not with SuSE 8.2 because of perl (SuSE 8.2 use an older version of perl. It is not possible to upgrade to a newer version of perl)

Hans-Georg Glöckler
Universität Ulm
Fakultät für Informatik, Abteilung Neuroinformatik
D-89069 Ulm

Tel: 0731/502-4193 (08:30 - 12:00)

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