
Thanks for your reply.

>>OK, looks good. SA puts preferences and AWL data and >>Bayes data files in ~/.spamassassin/ by default.

I am sorry if my qs sounds little bit funny but as i am new so i have some confusions.

Here my qs. is when a mail is coming to the server , suppose, for *user2* or many others,  will the spamassassin  check the mails for ham/spam with the *default* database which is bydefault set to  *user1* ? or it will check only for the mails of *user1* ? I am little bit confused  here.

As i understand that individual   users_prefs will supercede the value of the global parameter settings. So does this concept is   for bayes database also? If yes, then  the bayes default databaes whatever learned (spam + ham)  for default user *user1* will not work for the other users - is this so?

I want simply that the default  path  where i am seeing spamassassin is updatijng/working will be applicable for all the users.

Suggessions/advice is really appreciated.

Thanks again


Kris Deugau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Please post messages in plaintext in the future. Thanks.

Tinni wrote:
> I am little bit confused of *sa-learn*. I have installed SA 3.02. I
> did not set any bayes path in local.cf . When i am checking with
> #spamassassin -lint -D
> it is showing a path as

< debug: bayes: 7103 tie-ing to DB file R/O
> /home/sites/www.domain.org/users//.spamassassin/bayes_toks
> debug: bayes: 7103 tie-ing to DB file R/O
> /home/sites/www.domain.org/users//.spamassassin/bayes_seen

OK, looks good. SA puts preferences and AWL data and Bayes data files
in ~/.spamassassin/ by default.

> I am executing the *sa-learn* as root, So do you think that the
> central database for bayes is the aboove path?

No, if you run sa-learn as root it will, like any other default SA call,
put Bayes data in ~/.spamassassin/. In particular, it will create
/root/.spamassassin/bayes_seen and /root/.spamassassin/bayes_toks.

> Also i am seeing that
> the individual users's bayes database also updated. but i am not
> allowing ANYBODY to execute the *sa-learn*.
> - Though no user is executing the *sa-learn* then how every
> userid bayes database is being updated ? (i am telling only
> seeing the time stapm)

This is due to SpamAssassin's autolearning capability; by default
messages scoring under 0.1 or over 12 (IIRC, check the documentation)
will get autolearned as ham or spam respectively. Each user's
autolearned Bayes data will be put in the appropriate files in

> I want that the mail
> will be filtered through the *central database* only.
> - Do i need to mention the path of bayes db in the local.cf?

If you want a single, global Bayes database, you **MUST** set bayes_path
in your configuration.

For instance, on one of the systems I administer, I have the following
in my local.cf to set up SA's Bayes subsystem:

use_bayes 1
bayes_auto_learn 1
bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam -0.01
bayes_learn_to_journal 1
bayes_expiry_max_db_size 1000000
bayes_auto_expire 0
bayes_path /var/SpamAssassin/bayes
bayes_file_mode 0777

I've explicitly set a number of options to their defaults as well, but
this provides me with a single, global Bayes database, accessible and
autolearn-able for all users, with a larger number of tokens than the
default. Check the Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf manpage for details on what
these options do. Note that some of them may have changed for 3.x;
this is a working 2.64 install.

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