I have been seeing hundreds of "Postmaster" messages a day, that are bounced 
to bogus sender addresses, in my domain.

There have been a trickle of them coming in for a long time, but lately, the 
volume has skyrocketed.   

I am running Mimedefang 2.37 and Spamassassin 2.63 (ya I know I should upgrade 
but have been buried in more pressing issues).

I'd like to develop a rule that would weed out these bounces (perhaps by 
analyzing the "Received headers" to determine that the original message came 
from elsewhere, and was wondering if anyone had already done such a thing.

The real problem is that I receive the "Postmaster" messages, and feel that 
they should be reviewed, but with the volume so high they all tend to be 

Thank you,
Larry G. Starr - 
Software Engineer: Full Compass Systems LTD.
Phone: 608-831-7330 x 1347  FAX: 608-831-6330
There are only three sports: bullfighting, mountaineering and motor
racing, all the rest are merely games! - Ernest Hemmingway

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