On Fri, 25 Feb 2005, Gray, Richard wrote:

If any of you fine people has any experience with this (tested it, use it, know 
someone else who uses it) I'd really appreciate any feedback you could give me 
on its pros/cons.



I checked into it several months ago.

Seemed nifty, so I called the company to ask questions (this was before the big market push and you could actually get someone at the company - don't know if that is still the case).

When I was told that I would not have access to the box at root level, that nixed it for me. After all, why pay for a box that you are not allowed to administer? That's just renting it.

Several months later, a sales rep called and tried to sell me on it. I told him I wasn't interested in it as it stood, but might have some interest if they had an outbound scanner.

The response was along the lines of "not available at this time, and it would cost you tens of thousands of dollars to implement with existing hardware, etc".

OK - so I found a Dell 1600SC, put FreeBSD, Postfix, and SpamAssassin on it, and forwarded all outbound SMTP traffic from our main MX to that box. Total cost - less than $2000. Total spam stopped since implementation - over 500,000 messages. Feeling of relief - priceless.

All in all, I feel that it's best to have total control over your servers.



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