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Hi Eric --

actually, there is such a thing in SpamAssassin 3.0.x ;)  e.g.:

  header HELO_DYNAMIC_HCC   X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted =~ /^[^\]]+ 

it doesn't extract *everything*, but does cover quite a lot; rDNS, HELO,
IP, "received by" hostname, ident, envelope-from, whether the host was in
internal_networks, the SMTP ID string used in the Received line, and
whether signs of authentication were present.

You can see it in -D output:

debug: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Trusted:
debug: metadata: X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted: [ ip= 
rdns=europe.std.com helo=europe.std.com by=mail.netnoteinc.com ident= envfrom= 
intl=0 id=392E1114061 auth= ] [ ip= rdns=sgi04-e.std.com 
helo=sgi04-e.std.com by=europe.std.com ident= envfrom= intl=0 id=RAA08749 auth= 
] [ ip= rdns=world-f.std.comhelo=world.std.com by=sgi04-e.std.com 
ident= envfrom= intl=0 id=RAA8278330 auth= ][ ip= 
rdns=sgi04-e.std.com helo=sgi04-e.std.com by=europe.std.com ident= envfrom= 
intl=0 id=RAA07541 auth= ] [ ip= rdns=world-f.std.com 
helo=world.std.com by=sgi04-e.std.com ident= envfrom= intl=0 id=RAA8416421 
auth= ] [ ip= rdns=ppp0c199.std.com helo=!! 
by=world.std.com ident= envfrom= intl=0 id=RAA14226 auth= ]

or change your config to use the _RELAYSTRUSTED_ and _RELAYSUNTRUSTED_
tag items in a header, to get them in rewritten mails, e.g.

  add_header all Relays-Trusted _RELAYSTRUSTED_
  add_header all Relays-Untrusted _RELAYSUNTRUSTED_

- --j.

Eric A. Hall writes:
> I'm revisiting some rulesets that I'm wanting to write, but am struggling
> again with the lack of Received header parsing. The rules I want to have
> available to me are:
>   1) Check for a reverse-DNS match
>   2) Check for HELO (versus EHLO)
>   3) Check for TLS
> In order to do this, I really need an array of Received header meta-data
> (might also benefit from separate arrays of trusted vs untrusted Received
> headers but that's not needed right now).
> Array entries should go from top to bottom with RCVD_HDR[0] (or whatever)
> being the top-most header. Each array entry should have elements for
> hostname, HELO/EHLO, recipient, and the other elements described in
> RFC2821 for Received headers, as well as a full-text representation of the
> header (unwrapped into a single line).
> I'm aware that the syntax and structure of Received headers vary
> dramatically across implementations (and even across installations of a
> specific implementation), and that this can become pretty difficult, but
> this is really needed in order to do protocol-level validity tests from
> within SA.
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Comment: Exmh CVS


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