There has been a lot of talk about dynamic scoring. Most people argue that Bayes is a good substitute for it already. But not if you don't use Bayes ;)
I think its a worthy idea for testing. Although the logic could be fairly simple. Like using the top hitting rules script in a cron job. pulling out the N'th top rules and adding X points to them based on the hits. Thats something I've wanted to play with, but had no time.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gray, Richard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 7:03 AM
Subject: Potential new auto-learning strategy

I saw an article a while back about some DJs who were using perl as a mixing tool by writing perl code that edited itself while it ran in a loop. I thought this was kind of cool.
I studied AI at university, and remember a good bit of discussion regarding feedback systems.
So, to combine the two, I was thinking of how to use SA in a similar structure, and propose a dynamic weighting system for SA rules. Consider the scores that a base installation of SA gives to its rules, but when shown messages to learn from, it modifies the score weighting of the rules rather than the bayes system.
I'll not throw out a discussion regarding learning rates and so, but I can imagine the logic being loosely based on how much influence the rule had on the total score, the distance of the final result from the spam/ham boundary, and the learning rate chosen by the administrator.
Any feedback?

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