At 12:36 PM 3/5/2005, Rob Fantini wrote:
- mailx [command line] mail is processed 5x faster than mail sent using pine.

Your difference in time is 1.1 second vs 5.8 seconds. Is that always consistent over a large set of emails?

I can see from your results you've got network checks enabled, including razor. That's going to introduce considerable variability between scan times for a single message. Sometimes razor takes a half second to respond, other times it takes several seconds.

With network checks enabled it's pretty difficult to compare scan times unless you have a huge sample set (>20,000 messages) to average together.

Also, this particular test is slightly questionable because the two emails are back-to-back, and the first one is slower. The second scan is going to benefit from the DNS resolver caching the DNS query results from the first message.

At very least, try this test with 3 consecutive mails per client to get some feel of varriance in network lookup times.

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