On Saturday 05 March 2005 1:21 pm, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> I understand that the individual test scores are fed through a neural
> network to derive the final score.  So it seems that this network has
> started to behave badly.  

You misunderstand.  The neural network (or whatever they're using these days - 
it at least used to be a genetic algorithm) is used to assign the default 
scores, not to adjust the scores after the fact.

More likely one of two things is happening: that header was added by another 
system running SpamAssassin, or you aren't running with the configuration you 
think you are.

Double-check your config and make sure network tests really are disabled.  I 
added up the scores for the tests you mentioned using the 4th column (Bayes + 
network both enabled) and it comes out to 2.65 - which would round to the 2.7 
you're seeing.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications <www.speed.net>

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