How might a provider pull together better, easier ways to explain,
a. using less of what might be perceived as jargon and
b. using less what might be perceived as arcane references,
how might a provider more easily explain, more easily instruct end
users with these questions?... end users with areas of expertise not
directly applicable to...

1. What can you do with the spamassassin headers?... spamassassin
   headers have appeared in the headers at the top of messages in
   emacs rmail.

2. And how do you do the things you can do with the spamassassin

Around the web the instructive material about spamassassin didn't
appear to meet the needs of end users, given the usual explanations
deferring the matter to another department, deferring the matter to
the provider, to the isp, to someone else not me and so on.

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