
How large was auto-whitelist?
I just renamed mine and it was about 85Megs.  Ironically, I have a VERY old
one in the same directory that was about the same size.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Greg Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 12:41 AM
Subject: RE: More problems was Re: DB_FILE error causes serious deep
recursion/system overloading problem

| I had a problem with auto-whitelist. I had errors writing to it when I
| tested with spamassassin -D --lint
| I went to the auto-whitelist directory
| /var/spool/filter/.spamassassin
| and renamed the auto-whitelist file to auto-whitelist.old
| The system created a new auto-whitelist and so far so good.
| I think this may have to do with DB_file upgrade, but the developers would
| know more than me.
| -----Original Message-----
| Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 1:36 AM
| To:
| Subject: More problems was Re: DB_FILE error causes serious deep
| recursion/system overloading problem
| Well, turning off auto-whitelist does solve the system load problem.
| Unfortunately, it's also become clear that it turns off all spam tagging,
| meaning SpamAssassin is useless.
| Any ideas, please?
| I tried moving out all auto-whitelist files from home
| directories/.spamassassin and from /var/lib/nobody/.spamassassin -- that
| had no effect, either.
| Two more quick notes:
| The SuSE version is 8.2 (not 9.2) on the server. Perl version is 5.8.0 .
| Besides using up almost all the CPU cycles when auto-whitelist was
| enabled, spamd was also eating up almost all the memory.
| Alayne
| On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| > I had a serious spamd problem this evening after we rebooted our server
| > (running SuSE Linux 9.2). We had been running SpamAssassin 3.0.1 since
| > last October and it had been working very well for several months.
| >
| > Suddenly, shortly after the upgrade, the load averages for the server
| > through the roof (from 0.09 to 30-40) for no reason we could see. We
| > narrowed it down to spamd. Once we killed that, everything was fine.
| [...]
| --
| Alayne McGregor
| alayne at
| "I am not amused by this 21st century. I want to take it back for a full
| refund,
| and can we have a real one, please?" -- Charles Stross (Locus, January,
| 2005)

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