From: Tim P [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I am using spamassasin on windows with the ESA message sync (
> ) and
> would like to have some statistics so that I can better tune the
> spam assassin (particularly with the minimum spam setting and the
> purge on discovery setting).
> As perl is already installed what I really need is a perl script
> that can go through the messages that the ESA dumps out (.out
> files that can be read by notepad), grab the following lines and
> dump them into a file format (like a csv or a delimited text
> file) so that I can use something to give me statistics.
> X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=28.9 
> Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 06:36:10 -0700
> I would really like to be able to give statistics by date (daily,
> weekly, monthly), averages, numbers of spams/hams for a time
> period.  Most of that can be done using excel if I have to but
> its getting that info into a readable fileformat that is beyond
> me.  Anyone out there know how to do something like that?

Parsing the file and producing delimited text that can be imported
into Excel is simple with Perl.

Assuming that each email scanned will produce both of the lines you
listed and assuming that those entries are on their own lines and
not part of a longer line, this should work for you (untested):

print "Date\tStatus\tScore\n";
while (<>)
    if (/^X-Spam-Status: (Yes|No), score=([0-9.]+)/)
        $status = $1;
        $score = $2;
    if (/^Date: (.*) [-+]\d{5}$/)
        $date = $1;
    if ($status and $score and $date)
        print "$date\t$status\t$score\n";
        undef $date;
        undef $status;
        undef $score;

Output would be tab separated like this (formatted for readability):

Date                            Status    Score
Tue, 4 Jan 2005 06:36:10        Yes       28.9


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