Hello Matthew,

Thursday, March 10, 2005, 6:19:48 AM, you wrote:

MN> I've put together the following rule to try and catch the
MN> read-downwards type spam shown below. Could someone with a decent
MN> size corpus check it for me please? :-) (or if you see any obvious
MN> errors or improvements; it seems to work here)

No, since it would take me weeks to run these rules:

MN> body    __UOLCC_DOWN2
MN> /\bc\b.*\b[il|\]\b.*\ba\b.*\b[il\|]\b.*\b[il\|]\b.*\bs\b/si

Any such use of .* in a body rule will cause such regex thrashing that
the rules will be unworkable for any sizeable system.

If you can get similar rules to work by replacing those .* with
.{1,10} or some similar limit, then perhaps I can afford to test them
for you...

Bob Menschel

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