On Wednesday, March 16, 2005, 5:03:42 PM, Vicki Brown wrote:
> Ok. What totally minless dumb thing did I do that I just can't see?

> This rule is in my /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf

> body CF_BAD_URL4       /www\.(vdrugz|gh6)\.net/i
> score CF_BAD_URL4      10.0
> describe CF_BAD_URL4   .net Junk site

> I received a piece of mail containing the string
>    http://www.gh6.net/

> Yet the rule did not fire

Don't make a rule, use SURBLs.  This one is listed five times

  gh6.net on lists [sc][ws][ob][ab][jp], See: http://www.surbl.org/lists.html

Jeff C.
Jeff Chan

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