I am running a Directadmin server that uses Exim and Spamassassin 3.0.2 release. I would like to create two email addresses such as [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] Then I would like to ask all our users to forward there ham or spam to these addresses as an attachment. Then magically have some cronjob that runs sa-learn on them every 5 minutes or so.

I don't know anything about Exim, but with Sendmail you can pipe mail to an external command. I'd write a script (Perl would be my language of choice, see why a little further down) that removes the attachment and either saves it for later processing, or pushes it through sa-learn right then. I don't think it would create much of a bottleneck to do it on the fly, but you might want to test it and write your script to either run on a per-message or batch basis.

Has anyone done something like this? If so how? Most of our users use Outlook Express for email. Nearly 1000 email accounts.

Tell the users to forward the messages as attachments. Write a Perl script that receives the mail via a pipe. Look at the Mail::Audit::Attach Perl module to make it easy to strip the attachments from the email. Save them to a temp file and either run sa-learn against them, then delete, or save the temp files for batch processing through sa-learn. Pretty straightforward.

Also, Spamassassin seems to create a seperate bayes file for each user. For this I would like to have these addresses cover all domains and users on the server. Is that possible?

Sorry, for that you get a RTFM. Simple answer: yes.

Mike Jackson

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