Greg Abbas wrote:

>Paul Boven <p.boven <at>> writes:
>>Yes, they're forwarding the messages as attachements, and yes, I'm 
>>stripping them out of the message/rfc822 attachements before feeding 
>>them to Bayes. And in all the tests I've done so far this seems to work, 
>>but now that we've upgraded to SA3.0.2 I can't peek 'under the hood' 
>>anymore to see if things are still being learned as they should.
>On a related note, if I grab messages from a maildir after
>spamassassin has "quarantined" them ("The original message has
>been attached to this so you can view it... yadda yadda") is
>sa-learn smart enough to realize that the spam is contained in
>the attachment? 

sa-learn is smart enough to undo any changes made by spamassassin
itself, so if you use SA to do your tagging, sa-learn will undo it prior
to learning.

However, if you use a tool like amavis, mimedefang, or mailscanner and
use that tool's own encapsulation methods instead of SA's, then sa-learn
won't undo it.

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