On 9 Nov 2017, at 11:15 (-0500), Emanuel wrote:


I am working in a server with spamassassin 3.4.1, i need see the bayes in a legible text

This is not possible, as others have already explained. The 5th column is a one-way hash of each token, so you can't regenerate the original tokens or even be absolutely certain that each hash represents only one token.

The command sa-learn --dump all, show this info:

0.987          1          0 1491158923  936e45469a
0.987          1          0 1490742234  996c4b779f
0.997          5          0 1510240620  99bbb1343d
0.005          0          3 1510242056  9a19089c49
0.016          0          1 1509728119  a14e640e1d
0.987          1          0 1492521796  a3b7843c4a
0.987          1          0 1491153511  a4b1ec7417
0.995          3          0 1510164226  aac1930026
0.033        245       2686 1510242162  abee185aa7
0.993          2          0 1510241704  aec056d3b9
0.987          1          0 1490534092  af315bd372
0.005          0          3 1510237626  af79a72241
0.995          3          0 1510230300  b036d8c25c
0.987          1          0 1507076906  b2c21ed6b8

That's not the useful part of the dump. The useful part is the "magic" metadata.

I am interested in seeing the bayes info in the database, because it was created years ago

Not really relevant. The 4th column is the last time (in Unix Epoch seconds) that token hash was seen. In the list above, the dates are all between March 26th and November 9th of this year. By default, the Bayes DB is limited to 150K tokens (bayes_expiry_max_db_size) and when it hits that limit, SpamAssassin expires the oldest 37.5K tokens (25% of 150K.) The 'magic' part of the dump will show the actual oldest and newest 'seen' times as well as information about how much spam and ham has been learned and expiry information.

If you want to check tokens that match a particular regular expression, you can try 'sa-learn --dump data --regexp <RE>' but to be candid, I'm not sure how or whether that actually works, since I can't get anything longer than an anchored 2-letter RE to match.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Currently Seeking Steady Work: https://linkedin.com/in/billcole

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