thanks, I'll give that a try

On 11.02.2018 20:15, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 11.02.2018 um 20:10 schrieb Hendrik Haddorp:
so far I was always letting it run once a week over my inbox in --ham mode and over my spam folder in --spam mode. all tutorials I saw did it the same way. this also worked for years but likely with less mail files. I was under the impression that sa-learn would skip messages that it already learned. the debug log also indicated that it recognized those.

but to recognize it needs to read them

man find
man xargs

find "$SA_MILTER_HOME/training/spam/" -type f -mtime -$TRAIN_DAYS | xargs -r sa-learn --max-size=0 --no-sync --spam find "$SA_MILTER_HOME/training/ham/" -type f -mtime -$TRAIN_DAYS | xargs -r sa-learn --max-size=0 --no-sync --ham

On 11.02.2018 19:44, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
On 11.02.18 19:09, Hendrik Haddorp wrote:
I have a maildir with about 20000 mails. In the past this does not seem to have been a problem. But since a few weeks my sa-learn process dies with an OOM now.

do you run sa-learn over whole maildir all the time?

My server has only 1GB of memory with another GB for swap. sa-learn is eating up pretty much the complete memory for the run and is only able to finish when I stop everything else. Why is sa-learn using more and more memory even when it learned all those messages already in the past? Is there a way to limit the memory usage except from making the set of messages smaller?

you are not supposed to repeatedly call sa-learn over huge maildir.

calling over new mail (or, better, false-positives and false-negatives) is
faster and won't eat all your memory

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