List Mail User wrote:
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 00:51:25 -0500
From: "Daryl C. W. O'Shea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: List Mail User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Webmail and IP rules


        As is usually the case, I didn't give all of the details which may

List Mail User wrote:


        You have a few valid points, and the rule may be misnamed with
HELO at its prefix;  But look at some email coming from the free services
like Yahoo!, Hotmail or Gmail and you will see HTTP (as well as other
protocols; Hotmail/MSN also uses both of the MS proprietary protocols "DAV"
and "SMTPSVC").  I also have copies of some messages from ""
(re. Earthlink), "" and "" where the initial hop was HTTP and
these are "ham".  In addition, I also have *lots* of saved spam from ""
where the transfer initially was HTTP.

I don't recall seeing 'with DAV' in anything but Hotmail headers. Is a product that uses this availble to the public? Is it _always_ an authenticated hop?

        This I don't know, but likely can call connections at MS and ask (which
unfortunately does not guarantee and answer, but makes one likely).

Exchange, or even the stripped down SMTP service in Windows Server 2000/2003 all use 'with SMTPSVC', but it's not always an authenticated hop, so it's useless as an authentication token.

        The name "HELO_xxx" may be bad, but the rule is good.  The problems
lie with IMP and its attempts to "create/forge" an initial header.  Of course,
an "easy" work around is to simply "unmark" the next hop as trusted, then the
message will look like any message forwarded trough a legitimate commercial
"free" system or from a dynamic/dial-up user to his ISP's web interface and
your "problem" will disappear.  Personally, I don't even mark my "back-up"
'MX's as trusted, and have never seen a problem with this (though some extra
computation and DNS lookups are performed as a result).

Not including your 'back-up' MX is a bad idea. You'll loose lots of tests, such as the tests for mail coming straight from dynamic IPs, and you'll cause SPF checks to result in an SPF fail.

        Here is an important missing detail - the 'back-up' MXs not under my
direct control do their own SPF and DUL checks and add headers, which I have
local rules for and believe (though just two weeks ago a spammmer setup a /29
with my ISP and was using my 'back-up' as his relay!  It took a quick note to
the VP of engineering and the spammer was gone inside of 15 minutes (good ISP,
now *very* large, but I've been dealing with them for >12 years and remember
when the VP was a tech. who answered the telephone - also they don't sell and
won't do the various things that they do for me for new customers).  Also,
the DUL rules (despite my even adding local checks) don't apply, because I
rbl DULs in Postfix far before anything hits SA;  In fact, while it is down
from what I was getting, Postfix still refuses about half of all connection
attempts for me, most due to bad rDNS.  Also, I see other people reporting
all kinds of numbers - I guess it depends on the type and mix of email a site
gets, but I find SA >99.5% effective (i.e. only one or two spams a week get
to mailboxes).  And I do take the time to "hand" train bayes with spam it
doesn't autolearn (but does catch), but which falls into certain categories
(e.g. stock pumps and viruses) which don't generate a high enough "header"
score to be autolearned.  Generally, except for the need for a dedicated or
at least powerful server and lots of memory (and Perl 5.8.x seems to need
more memory than 5.6.x did), I find SA quite amazing - but still it is only
at the third level of four levels of checks before I will deliver mail to a
mail box (there is still a virus checker afterward, though SA gets almost 80%
of the viruses itself).  And as has been brought up slightly on the list and
with a few people in private, as my confidence in SA has increased, my level
of "pre-filtering" has in some cases decreased.

        A quick check of will show 4 MXs under my direct control
and despite having different priorities, from outside, they really map to 3
machines which are dynamically load balanced, and which I tend to think of as
a single unit (i.e. they are setup to share configs, merge logs, and generally
act "almost" like a cluster would);  My wording of 'back-up' was meant to be
only those machines not at my site (and behind my own firewalls) - also they
never pass mail to one another, only to a further internal MUA/MTA delivery
machine (i.e.  they "see" a different DNS than is published, with equal
priorities for all of them).

Although 'unmarking' the next hop as trusted would prevent the dynamic tests from firing on IMP mail, it would wreck havoc on the tests mentioned above for all mail coming from remote networks.

        Would it?  It seems that the "notfirsthop" qualifier would do the
right thing for those cases. i.e. with the IMP machine untrusted, it would
look like any ISP's relay.  It seems that it would only be a problem if you
did not "believe" the authentication that IMP uses itself.

To get the result described above you'd have to untrust the machine after the IMP machine/header. If you do this mail coming from the IMP machine will have good results, but all other mail passing through the newly untrusted machine (the one after the IMP machine) will have incorrect results.

Actually... setting trusted networks manually would fix Shane's problem anyway, since the bug is (well, was) only in the inferral code.

        Another thing I do (and while I sure others do also, it is not the
common case), is I have separate servers for incoming and outgoing mail.  So
being paranoid, I don't even trust my own firewalls, who have to send the
nightly logs through the entire gamut of tests (now, my outgoing server and
the final MUA *do* (mostly) trust the incoming servers, but the incoming
servers don't trust anybody).

I don't think it's too popular with small installations, but every even small ISP I've setup has been this way. I do the same for medium sized businesses too.

BTW. at first read, I saw "inferral" above as "infernal":)

Due to the inherent problem with detecting half of the NATed hosts, that's pretty much how I feel about it.

        I can't see any possible reason why is a
trusted host for;  But I can see many reasons why it should
not be.

        Also, by including the original post, you have done us all a service.
I see leakage of the literal and evidence of a misconfigured DNS or
hosts file - i.e. the resolution of to localhost.localdomain:  While
the hostname "localhost" is part of several standards, the ".localdomain" part
is intended as an example only, is not legal and shows that there *do* exist
other administrative problems in his environment.

'localhost.localdomain' is a RedHat default. Why they ever did that I don't know.

I can say I'm glad I'm not a Linux user, but if I were, I would probably choose SUSE or Debian - I spent too much time helping people fix Redhat/Fedora installs (and their marketing, with different classes of servers for paying vs. none-paying customers is a serious PITA).

        Simply, if you intend to setup a web mail interface, you need to "fix"
the other problems too (and probably first, before complaining about a bug).

None of his other issues are actually related to the problem or the bug that was present in the inferral code.

        Yea, I actually thought this thread had died.  My simple example
in the post after the one quoted here seem to show that it was related
entirely to "trust" (i.e. if I "trusted" the same machine(s) the rules didn't
fire, otherwise they did).

Yeah, it was. I just came across it though and realized there actually was a bug present in the infernal code (but not the manually trusted_networks code), fixed the bug, then saw your post recommending pushing the trust boundary back which I don't think is a good thing to recommend to the majority of users (many of which rely on SA for DUL & SPF checks).


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