CC'ing this to the list. I replied from the wrong address. heh. ^_^
I think I found the issue. Went and did "spamassassin --lint" as user and it hurled its cookies. But if I did it under root, it didn't. So somewhere I've got some nasty little permissions issues that weren't there before. Hmm. Drat, drat, drat. I could be all year sorting this out. Anyone got a list of what directories and files SA looks at and what the permissions should be for a user to be able to use SA from the shell? I could find it out eventually myself, but if someone already had a list, that'd make my day SO much easier.

At 04:45 PM 3/29/05 -0500, Matt Kettler wrote:
Steve Lake wrote:

>     Hi all.  Just upgraded my copy of Spam Assassin to the latest
> build on Freebsd 4.10 and suddenly it's not filtering mail.  It loads
> up fine, and I can see the child processes like what's supposed to be
> there, but nothing seems to get handed off to procmail.  I'm not
> totally sure what's up.  I don't even get the typical
> "X-spam-whatever" at the top of any of the messages anymore.  I
> currently have Procmail 3.22 installed on my system and it appears to
> be running right, but SA isn't doing anything.  Any suggestions on
> where I can look?

Step 1 - make sure the new version of SA understands your config files spamassassin --lint

Step 2 - try manually feeding the sample-spam.txt that comes with SA to
    spamc < sample-spam.txt

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