Hi all,

        I finally had some bandwidth and was able to get an RPM built for 
CentOS 5.  I used Kevin Fenzi's CentOS 6 source RPM from COPR rather than one 
from Fedora, though I imagine Fedora would probably work just fine.  The only 
thing I had to do to get this to work was to install the perl-interpreter and 
perl-generators dependencies, which had to also be built from SRPM (they are 
dummy packages but required, and not available on CentOS 5)... and to specify 
the buildroot for the SA SRPM.

For anyone still running this ancient and decrepit (and EOL) OS, here are 
instructions that should hopefully work:

1) Grab the perl-generators SRPM from Fedora..  We need this because it's not 
on CentOS 5, but is required by SA.

2) As an unprivileged user (e.g., mockbuild), install the spec file:
rpm --nomd5 -i perl-generators-1.08-5.el6.src.rpm

3) Go to where the spec file was installed (probably /usr/src/redhat/SPECS 
unless you specified a different directory)
3.5) Edit the spec file: under perl-interpreter, change Version to 5.8.8 
(optionally change Epoch to 2).

4) Build and install the perl-generators RPM:
[NOT AS ROOT] rpmbuild -ba perl-generators.spec
[AS ROOT] yum localinstall --nogpgcheck 

5) Grab the SA 3.4.2 SRPM from Kevin Fenzi (this may work fine with the Fedora 
SRPM too):

6) As unprivileged, install the spec file:
rpm --nomd5 -i spamassassin-3.4.2-2.el6.src.rpm

7) Build and install... note that we have to specify BuildRoot because 
otherwise it will try to install into /usr/bin (not sure why this isn't 
[NOT AS ROOT] rpmbuild -ba --buildroot /var/tmp/build 
[AS ROOT] yum localinstall --nogpgcheck 

Of course, if you are missing any dependencies during step 6 or 7, install 
those, then try again...

So far, no problems here.

I can make the actual built RPMs available if anyone wants them...


--- Amir

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