Matt Kettler wrote:
Norman Zhang wrote:


I'm seeing the following error in amavisd debug-sa. May I ask how can
I correct this?

config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: auto_learn 1

The correct option is bayes_auto_learn, not auto_learn.

The old "auto_learn" was correct in the 2.50 version, but deprecated a
long time ago with the introduction of SA 2.60, However all of SA 2.6x
still accepted it.

SA 3.0 has stopped accepting the old syntax.

I reported this months ago and its still on the SA site now. STILL says:

Other stuff regarding released versions
Michael Moncur has written a very good configuration tool which will generate a or user_prefs file for you, once you fill out a few simple questions.

"configuration tool" links to which is a page to auto generate a but its way out of date. There is a note on the page itself which states:

This is designed to work with SpamAssassin 2.5x only. It will not work correctly with previous versions. Important: SpamAssassin 2.6 and 3.0 are incompatible with this tool's configuration syntax. I'm working on an updated version, contact me for information.

But perhaps it would be better to remove it completely from the SA page until the config tool page is updated? Its really just causing more harm than good at this point.


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