I'm trying to understand why this rule fires on some messages:
meta        PHISH_ZIMBRA  ( __ZIMBRA_00 + __ZIMBRA_01 + __ZIMBRA_02 +

I read it in this way:
 IF at least THREE rules among __ZIMBRA_00, 01, 02 or 03 are matched AND
rule __NOT_FROM_INTERNAL is matched then meta PHISH_ZIMBRA is matched and
points should be calculated.

It happens that in the -D logs I get:
dbg: rules: ran body rule __ZIMBRA_01 ======> got hit: "aggiornato"
dbg: check: subtests=

Please note how ZIMBRA_02 and ZIMBRA_03 are listed is subtests list but not
listed if the matched rules...

How can this happen?
How can I debug this?

If I remove the matched word from __ZIMBRA_01, the 02 and 03 are still
matched but not logged....


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