
On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 10:23:24AM +0100, Ron McKeating wrote:
> Thanks to all of you who replied about the job offer spams. Could
> anybody point at the best site for the latest rulesets and an
> explanation of what each one does.

The "main" site for rules is generally,
and spefically the page. They
have descriptions for what they do. You'll also find more on, including the RulesDuJour script at that will
automatically check for new rules for you.

I can send you the current RulesDuJour settings I am using, if you like,
assuming you are not already using it. You should check it yourself and
make sure you are happy with the rules yourself, though.

I still find that there are some spam messages that don't seem to be
covered by rules, so end up writing my own. I'm no expert, but basic
rule-writing isn't that hard if you can write regular expressions.


Matthew Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

UNIX and e-mail Systems Administrator, Network Support Section,
Computer Centre, University of Leicester,
Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom

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