
For dumb reasons, we at the day job are using spamass-milter, which doesn't seem to let SpamAssassin add any extra X-Spam-Foo: message tags beyond stock (I have a github issue open on this, which seems to be where a fork is being maintained).

However, in order to work around this, I've added more tags to the X-Spam-Status tag locally. Which is useful because it also lets me grep my maillogs for those things.

What I can't find, and it feels like it should be a thing, is the *username* for the tag. That is to say, the username that's being used to find the user-prefs (in our case, with spamd, it's just %u, we don't have the user/domain stuff set up).

This *feels* like something a quick .pm file should be able to add rather than having to modify spamassassin core (and in fact, the tokens for username, mailbox and domain *are* available for the bayes_sql_query, but for some reason aren't exposed as tags that can be used in the report header. Which feels somehow deliberate.)

Would this be easy to do?

It would also mean I could easily glean per-user/per-rule-hit reporting from my maillogs with a simple grep, rather than having to cross-correlate the mta logs from the spamd ones. This feels like a win.



--------Dan Mahoney--------
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC

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