> Your maillog paste doesn't show the Subject: header being modified, it
> only shows the X-Spam headers being added.  This may be a symptom of the
> '-m' option being present in the call to whatever the spamass-milter
> executable is.

Yes exactly. I see the milter doing *some* work, i.e. adding x-header
information, but not doing other work such as changing the subject line as
it was doing.

> As for the lack of encapsulation, in the 60 seconds or so of looking
> through the spamass-milter documentation to find the -m option info, I
> didn't see any mention of encapsulation -- I don't think it's possible
> with this milter.

I think I may downgrade the milter as far back as I can and see if that
fixes it. If it does, then we know that this specific version ignores the SA
local.cf commands to change subject and report safe.

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