At 07:56 AM Friday, 4/15/2005, you wrote -=>
We're using spamass-milter with "-r 10". Does this reject the message (causing Sendmail to send a reject) or just discard it? If it's a reject, how can I change it to a discard?

I'm asking because I'm seeing stuff in our outgoing mail queue that looks like reject messages.

Neither. From the man page:

-r, --report  Report message as spam

Spamassassin does not handle the rejection or deletion of email. If you are using sendmail and procmail, then you would create a procmail recipe to accomplish the actual handling of the mail based on your criteria for rejection/deletion.

However, as has been discussed on this list, automatic rejection based on a spam score alone is not advisable if you want to prevent rejecting false positives. I still get an occasional false positive.

Ed Kasky
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