Fascinating thread I just stumbled on. Yes, in early parts of the phone system, the letters were geographic and referenced the street for where the central office was located switching those calls.  For example, in Arlington VA, my grandfathers number was 533-9389 which was referred to as JE3-9389 and the CO was on Jefferson St.  I'm pretty sure this fell apart rapidly as the system grew.

However, you can see this referenced in things like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jZeTtGeQYg and was a real hotel. It was Hotel Penn in NYC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotel_Pennsylvania). That hotel was recently closed but until then, you could add the NYC area code (212 I believe) and call that number still.  Will be interesting to see where the number goes now.

Anyway, we are working on an RBL for these evil numbers tracking.  It's going to require a plugin we think but we've been doing a fake RBL in KAM.cf for these evil numbers.  If you are calling and confirming the numbers are evil and want to help RBL them, ping me off list.


On 6/25/2021 7:21 PM, Grant Taylor wrote:

My understanding is the letters were (the first?) part of the phone switch / exchange name.  The following Wikipedia article supports this and has more details.

Kevin A. McGrail

Member, Apache Software Foundation
Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kmcgrail - 703.798.0171

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