M>-----Original Message-----
M>From: Antonio DeLaCruz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
M>Sent: 28 April 2005 23:12
M>To: Pettit, Paul
M>Cc: users@spamassassin.apache.org
M>Subject: RE: Blacklists entries not getting blocked
M>Attached is a file that contains the header information and 
M>the preview of the message as spamassassin modified it.  From 
M>the body of the e-mail, you can clearly see that it is 
M>looking at my blacklist, it just isn't doing anything with 
M>it.  Well, after ramming my head into the wall to knock some 
M>sense into me, I think that I know why it isn't.  My 
M>.procmailrc file isn't doing anything with it.  Now, that 
M>means to me that spamassassin does nothing more than assign a 
M>score to the e-mail and that proc mail does the actual 
M>filtering and deletion.  So, what it seems to me is that 1) 
M>the black list in the user_prefs file is totally useless 
M>since you could easily put this in your .procmailrc
M>* ^From:*badaddress.com
M>or 2) there has to be a way in the .procmailrc file to send 
M>to /dev/null anything that has a score over a certain value.  
M>I'm not finding anything on how to do that, so if you know, 
M>that would be much appreciated.  My only other option is to 
M>take the listings in my blacklist and run them through a perl 
M>script to re-write them to go into my procmailrc file.  But, 
M>something tells me that the processing would take longer if 
M>my mail server had to parse through a huge procmailrc file.

This will send anything over 15 point to /dev/null, assuming ur using the *
in the headers.

* ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*

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