I don't seen any upgrade notes that would cause the following failures
with "make test".  I upgraded all the modules listed in the INSTALL
file to the latest versions.  Any ideas?  (Debian linux - perl 5.6.1)

t/dnsbl.............    Not found: P_2 = 
<dns:> [] 
        Not found: P_7 = 
t/dnsbl.............NOK 2       Not found: P_4 = 
<dns:> [,] 
t/dnsbl.............NOK 3       Not found: P_3 = 
<dns:> [] 
t/dnsbl.............NOK 4       Not found: P_5 = 
<dns:> [] 
t/dnsbl.............NOK 5       Not found: P_1 = 
<dns:> [] 
t/dnsbl.............NOK 6       Not found: P_6 = 
<dns:example.com.dnsbltest.spamassassin.org> [] 
t/dnsbl.............NOK 7       Not found: P_15 =  DNSBL_RHS          
t/dnsbl.............NOK 8       Not found: P_17 =  DNSBL_SB_FLOAT     
t/dnsbl.............NOK 9       Not found: P_18 =  DNSBL_SB_STR       
t/dnsbl.............NOK 10      Not found: P_16 =  DNSBL_SB_TIME      
t/dnsbl.............NOK 11      Not found: P_10 =  DNSBL_TEST_DYNAMIC 
t/dnsbl.............NOK 12      Not found: P_12 =  DNSBL_TEST_RELAY   
t/dnsbl.............NOK 13      Not found: P_11 =  DNSBL_TEST_SPAM    
t/dnsbl.............NOK 14      Not found: P_8 =  DNSBL_TEST_TOP      
t/dnsbl.............NOK 15      Not found: P_9 =  DNSBL_TEST_WHITELIST
t/dnsbl.............NOK 16      Not found: P_14 =  DNSBL_TXT_RE       
t/dnsbl.............NOK 17      Not found: P_13 =  DNSBL_TXT_TOP      
t/dnsbl.............FAILED tests 1-18                                 
        Failed 18/22 tests, 18.18% okay


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