I've been running with bayes in a MySQL database for a while now, and I
need to start dealing with cleaning up users who are no longer here. I
also have AWL and configuration in the database.

So, I think I'm looking at something like the following to delete
someone's data from the database:

1. Delete all entries in spamassassin.awl where the username is the user
   I want to get delete.
2. Delete all entries in spamassassin.userpref where the username is the
   user I want to delete.

3. Delete all the entries in bayes_expire, bayes_seen, and bayes_token
   where the id matches the id field in bayes_vars for the username.
4. Delete the entry in bayes_vars for the username.

So, I have two questions.

Is that all I need to do?
Is it safe to do it - will spamassassin care that entries have vanished?


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