> From: Menno van Bennekom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To: David Velásquez Restrepo
> Subject: Re: Simple question TRUE or FALSE (More data to answer this
> question)
> > Q) With spamassassin (and all the above info) you need about 20 to 30
> > seconds per email message and LOTS of RAM and CPU:
> >     a) TRUE
> >     b) FALSE
> My answer is b), False.
> I have a mailserver here that has a 1Ghz CPU and 512MB RAM and SA on that
> server usually takes 2 or 3 seconds per message.
> Like already posted, some of your rulesets are unnecessary because they
> are included in SA (standard rulesets or SURBL).
> Did you check 'cat messages | spamassassin -D' to see what part takes most
> time? DNS time-outs can take a lot of time for example (also checkable
> with tcpdump port 53).
> Also your SMTP-server (xmail?) takes a lot of cpu. I've never used Xmail
> but I use postfix (and amavisd-new) and I think it's quite memory and CPU
> efficient.

Please don't take this as me doubting you - but how in the world are you able 
to scan a message in 2-3 seconds?  I assume you're running some of the network 
tests, like other people that have posted 2-3 second message processing times, 
is that correct?

My Dl360 with dual 1.266ghz CPU's, 2GB of RAM, and dual 18GB mirrored scsi  
drives can only scan a message in 4-5 seconds.  At least that was my scan time 
with a completely default setup, running spamd/spamass-milter, SA 3.0.1, RedHat 
FC2, and sendmail 8.13.1.  I haven't checked in a while (since I updated SA, 
the milter, and sendmail), but I have a good feeling most of my processing time 
was spent waiting for DNS responses.

Any input into my situation would be appreciated.  I'd love to be able to get 
down to 2-3 seconds, basically cutting my processing time in half!


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