Jim Maul wrote:
> Ingo Reinhart wrote:
>> Hello!
>> If I commit a big mail (32 MB) to sa-learn it need long time. I must
>> wait 50 sec. and the sa-learn process need 332 MB RAM.
>> What can I do for faster proceed?
>> Ingo
> um..since messages over 250k (default) wont be scanned by SA, why bother
> sa-learning anything over this limit?  Sa isnt going to scan it anyway.
> -Jim

Based on the way bayes works, that doesn't make much sense Jim.

Bayes doesn't learn messages, it learns tokens from within messages.

Really, you don't care if SA is going to scan messages of the same size or not.
You care if it will scan messages with some of the same content.

It's quite possible the 32mb is a large version of a message that's normally
short. For example logwatch output.

The only reason training the 32mb message would be pointless would be if it only
contained content that would be in similarly large messages.

Minor Note of Clarification: that 250k default limit applies to those who use
spamd, which admittedly Ingo does use. But it is not inherent in spamassassin in
general (i.e. those using the API or spamassassin command-line don't have this
feature unless implemented elsewhere)

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