> > in several posts I have noticed people refer to a "caching nameserver".
> > What exactly is that?  Would BIND 9.3.1 qualify?  Any advice would be
> > greatly appreciated.

> yes Bind will become a caching only name server if you don;t have any 
> local zone files to lookup. Basically think of it as a proxy with 
> memory. It will remember previous look ups so it won't ask it's 
> resolvers again (unless the timeout value on the record has been reached).


1) why would Bind NOT cache domain lookups for domains that are not listed in
your local zone files?  that seems rediculous.  is there any way to host your
company's domains in a Bind instance that also caches lookups?

2) is there a way to test a Bind server to make sure it is in fact caching
its lookups?

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