Hi! Rishi,

Many thanks for your reply

I'm already using that antidrug.cf rule

My problem is that the drug name does not appear as text in the spam
It is included in the gif picture

So the spam contains a picture and many tiny words in the email's body

Does it sound familiar ?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Rishi Kantesaria" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cannot get rid of new online pharmacy spams

You can either do two things....if you don't have spamassassin rules
for Drug stuff then get that or if you have the rules and emails are
still coming adjust the score in the rules.

On 5/25/05, Eddy Beliveau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm running spamassassin 2.4 with pamCopURI 0.24 and it work perfectly.  Thanks 

My current problem is that I cannot get rid of those online pharmacy spams. (see attached picture).
The email contains a picture and many words in font size 1.

Am I the only one to receive this junk.

Can someone help ?

Thanks in advance

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