Martin Hepworth wrote:


how does this compare with

Hi Martin. The reason I wrote these rules is because I use the SARE fraud rules, but not a single one hits on these particular emails. An example of the text of the emails that I am targetting is as follows:

Dear Friend,
I am Mr.Yung Jun,we are a group of business men who
deal on import andexport raw materials into canada,america and
europe. We are searching for representatives who can help us
establish a medium of getting to ourcostumers in the canada,america and
europe as well as making payments through you to us.
Please if you are interested in transacting business with us we
willbe very glad. Please contact us for more information.Subject to
your satisfaction you will be given the opportunity tonegotiate your
mode of which wewill pay for yourservices as our representative in
canada,america and europe.
Mr.Yung Jun,
Managing Director.

Before I created my ruleset, this email only hit BAYES_50, DEAR_FRIEND, MISSING_HEADERS, SARE_FREE_WEBM_COMWALL for a total of 2.75 points. My rules have been catching them faithfully now although I'm sure that the scammers will start changing their wording soon enough.


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