Thomas Deaton wrote:
> For the header rules, you can put Subject or From. Is there a way to put 
> something from the "TO:" line?
> thanks

A header rule can be written to examine *any* header. To: From: Subject:
X-SomeGarbageYouNeverSawBefore:. There's even a special meta header "ToCc" which
matches To: or Cc: lines..

Just use To or ToCc instead of From before the = in the rule.. However, be
aware, that the rules work based on what is in the headers. If the recipient is
Bcc'ed and doesn't appear in the headers, your rules can't match it.

header TOCC_MKET        ToCc =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/i

Some other random header rules from my own custom rules that check other message


header INFO_GREYLIST_DELAYED        X-Greylist =~ /Delayed for /

header X_MESSAGE_INFO       exists:X-Message-Info

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