Does "" list all the dynamic IPs?
Or just the dynamic IPs which fall in spamtrap?


On 5/25/05, Ing. Alejandro Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have the same problem that you, with dsbl, record are keep over years,
> and the delist process is complex. So most
> of unskilled Net Admin never take care of this list.
> IMHO the dynamic IPs list is
> In fact I'm rejecting mails at SMTP conection time using,
> with this I'm rejecting 90% of the spam without a single complain.
> Ing. Alejandro Rodriguez
> Gerente Tecnico
> Cybercom
> Ryan L. Sun wrote:
> >Hi, all
> >
> >I am using spamhaus sbl+xbl RBL and dsbl RBL. It seems they got too
> >much false positive, especially dynamic IPs.
> >Do you guys know how can I get all the dynamic IP range on internet,
> >or is that possible?
> >Any other RBL suggestion? False positive is critical to me.  I can
> >accept 40% catch ratio using a RBL with as low as possible false
> >positive.
> >
> >Thanks.
> >-Ryan
> >
> >
> >

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