On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 10:08 -0400, Jake Colman wrote:
> Given the rather complete set of rules that ship with SA and which can
> expanded with SARE, does bayes learning really help?  Won't the rules catch
> pretty much everything anyway?

I have used SA with Bayes and it took quite a bit of administrative
overhead.  It worked amazingly well, though.  

I now run SA with DCC, Razor, Pyzor and network checks and without Bayes
and it still Just Works(TM).  Seriously - I have customers who slather
their e-mail addresses all over Usenet, message boards, on their web
pages, etc.  They might as well put a big sign up that says SPAM ME

But they don't get any spam - SA and spamass-milter rejects all of it.
It is really amazing - I've got clients who went from hundreds of spams
per day down to one or two that slip through per week.  Of course, when
one gets through, my phone rings!

I guess my experience is that either way, SA Just Works(TM).


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