I've been using SpamAssassin successfully for some time, but having recently 
reconfigured my home network and could do with some help getting to grips 
with how best to use SA.

I have a Linux box (scoop) running Fetchmail, Postfix & Qpopper acting as our 
mail server. Mail is delivered into users' mail directories where .forward 
and Procmail run it through SA (2.64).

Now, scoop used to be my main desktop machine, too, and most of the spam that 
was coming in was targeted at me. So I ran sa-learn on that machine each day 
to learn from messages that I'd dropped into a 'new spam' folder.

Now things are a little different. Scoop is just a server and we have three 
workstations all receiving mail (and spam!).

What I'm having trouble understanding is this: when SA learns from new 
messages, are the benefits of this learning applied system-wide? Eg, if 
'steve' on scoop runs sa-learn, are the bayesian filters thus produced 
applied also when user 'trish' runs messages through SA? Or does only 'steve' 
benefit? (My reading on the subject suggests the latter).

What I'd like to do is have all users dropping 'new spam' messages into a 
common folder (easily done by having a symbolic link in each machine's Kmail 
folder pointing to a folder on a share on the server). I'd then set up a cron 
job to use these messages with sa-learn. But I'd want the filters created to 
benefit every user. Is this possible?

(BTW, I'm also running Amavisd-new for anti-virus on scoop).



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