On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 11:48:53AM -0400, Kevin Peuhkurinen wrote:
> Matthew S. Cramer wrote:
> >If an email is from <> or <MAILER-DAEMON> then I check the mail for a
> >line that looks like /^Received.*one.of.our.ip.addresses/.  If it
> >doesn't have the line, then I reject the mail with a 554 and "Bounced
> >message did not originate here."
> I was intrigued by this idea and started looking at some of the mail 
> coming in from the <> address.   One thing I've noticed is that lots of 
> "Read reciept"s are sent using this address.   Have you done something 
> to allow these through or do you reject them as well?

Here is my perl code for MIMEDefang.  I took this from something
another member of that list had posted.

    # Confirm bounces originated from Armstrong
    if ($Sender =~ /^<>$|^mailer-daemon\@/i) {
        my $found = 0;
        my $receivedline = 0;
        # Skip header
        if (open(IN,"./INPUTMSG")) {
            while(<IN>) {
                last if /^$/;
            # Search body
            while(<IN>) {
                next unless /Received:/i;
                # Look for our ip-range.
                if (/x\.y\.z\./) {
            close IN;
            if ($receivedline && !$found) {
                return action_bounce("Bounced message has no Received line from 

So to answer the couple of questions - this doesn't break DSN since I am
looking for the Received line itself.  Hope that clarifies some


Matthew S. Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Office: 717-396-5032
Infrastructure Security Analyst                     Fax:    717-396-5590
Armstrong World Industries, Inc.                    Cell:   717-917-7099

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