Even after corpus tests, I never give a single rule a score over 3 (local 
threshold is 6).  There's no reason a real live person couldn't choose a 
consonant-only email name, and I know of some universities that give out 
addresses like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" which would trigger your first rule.

Pierre Thomson

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 2:50 PM
To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Subject: Couple of useful tests

I created these tests which I find very accurate for detecting spam and 
so thought I'd let the list have a view. Lots of numbers or consonants 
in the reply-to usually bodes ill.

header REPLY_TO_NUMS_CJ Reply-To =~ /[0-9]{6,}/
score REPLY_TO_NUMS_CJ 5.000
header RET_PATH_NUMS_CJ Return-path =~ /[0-9]{6,}/
score RET_PATH_NUMS_CJ 5.000
header REPLY_TO_CONSON_CJ Reply-To =~ /[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]{5,}.*@/i
score RET_PATH_CONSON_CJ 5.000
header RET_PATH_CONSON_CJ Return-path =~ /[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]{5,}.*@/i
score RET_PATH_CONSON_CJ 5.000

If you can improve, please do -- have no mercy.

Craig Jackson

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